Here are the 5 skills to look for when hiring a digital marketer:
1. Results Driven Social Media: Theoretically, anyone can post content on social media channels using easy to use software like Hootsuite, but how do you know if they are truly proficient in “social media”?
Look for people who are results-driven. Results driven people don’t just tell you that they have “social media experience”, but they show you via analytics how their content is having an impact on engagement, brand identity, and even the amount of business.
2.Connect-The-Dots SEO: Unfortunately, even people who claim to know SEO might not because there is just so much incorrect information out there and it is an ever-changing subject, like most Digital Marketing topics. Nevertheless, a lot of people do know SEO definitions like title line, keyword listing, description and image tags, etc.
You should look for people who not only know these concepts, but can make new connections. For example, someone who not only improves the site’s SEO, but who also has the idea of seeing what page rank the site is currently, and how many backlinks it has compared to its competitors.
3. Quality Writing: Since Digital Marketing does require writing ad copy and ad text, copywriting that’s used on promotional materials, and content marketing, knowing the beauty of the English language is part of the job.
Look for someone who not only knows basic grammar and likes writing, but knows how to write from the perspective of a Digital Marketer. This can mean targeting a certain audience when writing, incorporating keywords and creating backlinks for SEO purposes.
4. Website Building/Code: It’s not necessary that someone know all of these in complete detail, but they should know how to do at least one of these and have a rough understanding of the others.
WordPress: The more knowledge of this the better. This is kind of the standard currently. My professors actually made each one of us build a WordPress site because they knew that this would be a valuable skill in the field.
- HTML/CSS/Javascript: Installing codes for online advertising is the norm. Analytics codes, conversion codes, etc. are very useful for tracking purposes.
- User Experience: This is a separate field in itself, but having knowledge of how users think and how to improve their experience is extremely important. If a company’s ad click through rate is high but the bounce rate for their website is also high, due to terrible user experience, a company is not only losing money, but a golden opportunity.
5. Funnel Work: One of the key concepts in digital marketing is learning how it all comes together. This means not only just knowing about concepts separately, but how they all connect. How does Facebook Advertising connect with email automation, landing pages, social media marketing, and affiliate marketing?
If you know someone who knows the answer to this question and can make different funnels out of these processes, that is when you know you’ve found someone who can do the “strategy” part of digital marketing on a very high level.